Young entrepreneur seeks advice from the CBF community
CBF Scholar smashes it!
Incredible entrepreneur’s eco-resin masterclass!
Highlights – Guildford Children’s Business Fair (Dec 2023)
Top selling products at the CBF
Introduction to the Children’s Business Fair
You did it! You helped raise £14k!!!!
Retail guru secrets – FOCUS!
Rocky talks Cake Pop business
CBF goes crowdfunding
Retail guru’s 5 secrets
This CBF judge is blown away!
Why HSBC loves the CBF
How Arthur sell his soap
Gifts Are Gorgeous (hand embroidered gifts)
Summer @ Guildford CBF
Young entrepreneurs @ Farnham CBF
Busy Bees (cold process soap and wax wraps)
TwitTwit 2 U (clay owls – super cute)!
Crayonames (recycled letter shapes)
Kiflame Beauty (beauty products)
Les Petites Plantes (Handmade pots & plants)
Love For Paws (Pet Accessories)
Barking Good Biscuits (Dog Biscuits)
The Secrets Of Selling On eBay
Happy Hens (3D printing)
Talent spotted by Silicon Valley!
Lucas Pots (spray-painted pots)
2019 @ the Children’s Business Fair
Just Chilli’ng (Chilli products)
The Bubble Company (Bubble tea)
Planet Pallet (Up-cycled pallet wood products)
Flame Fox (Czech gingerbread cookies)
The very first Children’s Business Fair
Little Miss Moo’s scented candles made a killing
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